Welcome to Duncanville ISD!

Whether you're moving to Duncanville for the first time, or are a long-time resident, we hope the links below and on the left will help make your time here safe, hassle-free and happy!

Boundaries Map

District Maps - Maps

District Profile: 

Demographics Chart

Student Achievement:

Duncanville ISD has 8 campuses with 14 distinctions. Distinction designations are awarded for achievement. They are based on performance relative to a group of 40 campuses of similar type, size, grade span, and student demographics. Campuses with distinction designations are Acton Elementary, Central Elementary, Fairmeadows Elementary, Brandenburg Intermediate, Hardin Intermediate, Byrd Middle, Kennemer Middle, and Duncanville High School. In 2018-2019, Duncanville ISD received an accountability rating of B.

Financial Facts:

Financial stability has become a hallmark of Duncanville ISD. The district attributes its financial success to careful planning and frugal management of funds.

For the 17th consecutive year, Duncanville ISD received Texas’ Schools FIRST financial accountability rating of Superior Achievement. The Superior Achievement rating is the state’s highest rating, demonstrating the quality of Duncanville ISD’s financial management and reporting system.

From 2012 through 2018, Duncanville ISD received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting Award from the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO).

To visit the district's Financial Transparency webpage, click here

Duncanville ISD Tax Rate:

2019 Tax Year Rate $1.42 per $100 assessed value
2019-2020 General Fund Budget ...........................$122,760,368
2019-2020 Cost Per Pupil .......................................$10,300 (Based on Budget 2019-2020)

Staff Stats:

Quality classroom teachers are critical components in the entire educational process. Duncanville ISD is aware of the many choices facing today’s well-qualified professionals, and attracting and retaining educational professionals is a priority. The Board of Trustees and superintendent understand the need to remain competitive in salary, benefits, and work environment and is a demand by the community stakeholders. Both signing bonuses and yearly stipends are offered for critical need areas such as secondary mathematics, bilingual education, special education, upper-level sciences, computer science, and foreign language.

Duncanville ISD has a new hire salary schedule that starts with certified first-year teachers who have a Bachelor’s degree at a minimum salary of $53,000. The district also provides an annual $1,000 supplement for teachers who have earned a Master’s Degree related to their teaching field.

Total Employees................1,695.7
Number of Teachers ............803.4
Number of Teacher Aides.....139.2
Teachers by Years of Experience:
Beginning Teachers .............11.0%
1-5 Years Experience .........31.8%
6-10 Years Experience .......21.3%
11-20 Years Experience.......25.7%
Over 20 Years Experience...10.2%

The Future of Duncanville ISD

Duncanville continues to build upon its successes. The programs below were implemented to ensure the success of our students.

Early Education (Pre-K)

Pre-Kindergarten, including full-day Pre-K, is offered districtwide at our nine elementary campuses.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) 

Social and Emotional Learning is a process for helping children and adults develop fundamental skills for life effectiveness. Social and Emotional education is more than a new trend in education but about better meeting student needs and addressing the whole child.

Choice Programs.

Duncanville provides students a head start on their careers with the choice programs. Starting in middle school these programs can lead to 29 career pathways.

Collegiate Academy

Duncanville students can begin taking college courses in High School. The goal of this program is for students to graduate with an associate degree and high school diploma.

National Math & Science Initiative and Texas Instruments Partnership

This partnership furthers our attention on Advanced Academics and enhances the curriculum for our gifted and talented students. This partnership also better prepares our students for AP classes.


Dallas - www.dallascityhall.com
Duncanville – www.duncanville.com
DeSoto - www.ci.desoto.tx.us
Cedar Hill - www.cedarhilltx.com
Dallas County - www.dallascounty.org
State of Texas - www.texas.gov
Who Represents Me? - www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us

A city and neighborhood brick sign that says Duncanville