Cassandra Phillips
Trustee Phillips: Aiming to Serve and Provide a Voice
Service is an attribute Cassandra Phillips grew up seeing from her mother, and it’s a quality she has instilled in her children.
“I learned the importance of serving and helping others at an early age. Watching my mother serve and volunteer in the schools, substitute teaching and in the community helping others is when I found my passion,” said Ms. Phillips. “It is just in my blood. That’s what we do. We serve. We give back and we try to make a difference.”
Those same attributes led Ms. Phillips to run for the Duncanville ISD Board of Trustees nearly four years ago. Today she serves as board president and is proud to be a voice for other parents, business owners, and residents in Duncanville. “I am in a position to help those who don’t feel like they have a voice,” she said. “As trustees, we’re advocates. We’re servants. We are connected to the community.”
With more than 20 years living in Duncanville and three children who have graduated from Duncanville High School, Ms. Phillips said she has seen Duncanville change over the years. Over that time one element has remained the same - the close-knit support that the community shows for Duncanville ISD schools.
In addition to serving on the school board, Ms. Phillips is a Duncanville business owner, operating Phillips Price Realty with her oldest daughter. Ms. Phillips is highly focused on family and was proud to see her youngest daughter graduate from Duncanville High School in 2020 during the global pandemic.
As a parent, community member and now board member, Ms. Phillips has seen the school district go through a journey. The academic improvements and addition of choice programs for students in recent years have been focus areas that she and other board members advocated seeing. “Knowing where we’ve been, where we are today and where we’re going, I’m honored to serve and advocate for something the City of Champions can be extremely proud of.”