Parent Resources
Keep up with the latest news for Parents of Gifted Scholars in our newsletter, The Open Gate.
Questions and Resources
Parent Meeting Presentations:
Online Resources for Parents
Belin-Blank Center - The Belin-Blank Center creates opportunities for equitable talent development.
National Association for Gifted Children - NAGC is the nation's leading organization focused on the needs of gifted and talented children. Dedicated to uplifting and empowering those who support children with advanced abilities, NAGC provides energizing professional learning, impactful research, and inspiring advocacy to ensure all children have equitable opportunities and support to develop their gifts and talents.
Hoagies' Gifted Education - The all-things-gifted site, full of resources, articles, books and links to help and support parents, teachers, and gifted children alike.
ImmSchools - We are an immigrant-led non-profit partnering with educators and community leaders to ensure safe and inclusive schools for undocumented and mixed-status students and families.
The Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented (TAGT) - Connects and empowers educators and parents to meet the unique needs of gifted and talented students from every cultural background who see the world in unique ways and are developing minds that just might discover innovative answers to the most challenging questions of their generation.
Texas Education Agency - The state's goal for Gifted and Talented students is to ensure that students who participate in G/T services demonstrate self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication skills. G/T students develop innovative products and sophisticated performances that reflect individuality and creativity and are targeted to an audience outside the classroom.