October 2022
Made With Pride October 2022
Each month, Duncanville ISD honors a student, staff member, and teacher who go above and beyond. They are chosen from nominations submitted by coworkers, classmates, or community members. These individuals reflect the excellence and pride of our district, and they are Made with Pride in Duncanville.
Kendrick Davis is a tenth-grader at Duncanville High School and a member of the high school band, Wind Ensemble, and concert band. He received his nomination from classmate Serenity Green, a fellow tenth-grader and band member. Serenity nominated Kendrick because according to her, he embodies what it means to be "Made with Pride." Not only does Kendrick have top grades, but he earned his letterman his freshman year and is aiming towards being an all-stater in band this school year. But Kendrick isn't just concerned with grades and excelling in the arts; according to his classmate, Kendrick excels in his humanity.
Serenity says that Kendrick brings positivity to the atmosphere of every room he enters. That he is welcoming and helpful to his classmates at DHS. His positivity and helpfulness aided Serenity after spending her previous school years being bullied by classmates. "When I became friends with Kendrick he showed me what a true friend was. He showed me that I didn't have to change myself to befriend anyone," explains Serenity. Lifting up his classmate, taking ownership of his grades, and achieving success as a band member is why Kendrick was chosen for this Octobers student for "Made with Pride."
De'Evin Johnson is the Assistant Choir Director at Duncanville High School. Colleague Kristi Beaty and student Kelicia Zapata, nominated Johnson for this month's selection. According to his nominators, Johnson goes beyond instruction in his classroom.
He tries his best to know the students he is responsible for educating. Johnson has taken it upon himself to understand students' moods and works to connect with them where they are. According to Beaty, Johnson works daily to build his students up during their critical years of developing their esteem. This is something that his student Kelicia agrees with, "For many students, including myself when we walk into that choir room, and he greets us with his welcoming and uplifting spirit, it shines a bright light on a dim day we may be having." During this school year, Johnson was one of two choir directors whose choir students became Grammy Museum Signature School Awardees. This is a financial grant intended to support choral programs. Johnson's program is one of 21 schools being recognized this year. This behavior and accomplishments as a teacher are why De'Evin Johnson is "Made with Pride."
Amy Kile is the principal secretary at DHS, and according to Mati Galindo, the Technology Secretary, Kile is so much more than her assigned duties. Kile has given almost 20 years of her life as a staff member at Duncanville ISD. According to Galindo, Kile's work ethic and dedication is admired by anyone who witnesses her in action. Even if you don't see Kile in action, you will feel the effort of her work. Through the ever changes over the years, Kile has demonstrated that she can pivot and adapt. Galindo says, "Ms. Kile is a high achiever, transparent communicator, responsible, and trustworthy a real person of value." According to Galindo, Kile has always pushed herself to become as knowledgeable as she possibly can to better aid students, staff, and parents making her the "go-to" person for answers. This is why Amy Kile is "Made with Pride."