Curriculum and Instruction
The Curriculum and Instruction Department is dedicated to fulfilling the mission of the district to “provide each student with the necessary skills to achieve lifelong success and contribute to a global society.” The Curriculum and Instruction Department focuses on research-based instruction and best practices, aligned curriculum and professional development that aids educators in helping their students to achieve and prepare for their future. The department is also responsible for assessment & accountability in supporting student achievement by coordinating a comprehensive local, state, and federal assessment program and by providing data and data analysis to school and district personnel.
Academic Support - Executive Director Melanie Lewis
The Academic Support Division directs the ongoing operations of Career and Technical Education, College, Career and Military Readiness, Professional Development, Advanced Academics, State, Federal Programs, and Accountability. The Academic Support team supports all campuses and departments in Duncanville Independent School District to ensure that students are provided with quality programs and services through innovative experiences that prepare students for postsecondary success.
Teaching and Learning - Executive Director Erica Reyes
The Teaching and Learning division directs the ongoing operations for the Curriculum and Instruction, Assessment, Interventions Services, Language Acquisition, and Early Childhood departments. The Teaching and Learning team ensures timely and effective support to all campuses and other departments in Duncanville Independent School District to provide the highest quality educational experience for our students, families, and community.
Special Education - Executive Director Cynthia Jaird
Special education is specially designed instruction that addresses the unique needs of a student eligible to receive special education services. This department provides a comprehensive educational program with educational opportunities essential to the full intellectual and social development of students with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21. As well as educating students in the least restrictive environment.