Sending Medication to School

Medications that are given once or twice daily are to be given at home. Many medications given three times a day can be given at home, as well. If a prescription or non-prescription (over-the-counter) medication needs to be administered at school it will be given by the school nurse or a school employee in the absence of the school nurse. In compliance with state law, all medication must be in the original container and must be properly labeled. Written permission and explicit instructions signed by the parent/guardian must accompany all medication given at school. In accordance with state law, the school nurse cannot accept verbal consent from the parent/guardian. Any prescription or non-prescription medication to be given more than 15 days or any medication considered a controlled substance must be accompanied by a written request from the prescribing physician. The first dose of any medication must be given at home. Herbal supplements and essential oils will not be given at school. Students are not to carry any prescription or non-prescription medication on them while at school. Students may carry their asthma rescue inhaler or Epi-Pen if the appropriate paperwork is on file in the school clinic. In accordance with the Nurse Practice Act, the school nurse may refuse to give any medication or dosage that he/she considers to be unsafe or potentially hazardous to the student.


Medical Authorization—EnglishMedical Authorization—Spanish

Asthma Action PlanAsthma Self-Carry - Grades 7-12 onlyAsthma Self-Carry Treatment Plan - Grades 7-12 only