Hazard Communications

Hazard Communications Graphic



All employees by federal and state law have the "right-to-know" about hazardous chemicals they might
be exposed to in the workplace and to receive training on how to work safely while using them.

Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) is an essential source of chemical information and your best tool for using
hazardous chemicals in a safe manner.  SDSs contain: the chemical characteristics, why the chemical is hazardous, how to handle the substance safely, PPE to use, what to do if an exposure occurs, and how to handle a spill or other emergencies. SDSs must be accessible at all times.

Management Responsibilities

Management has the responsibility for ensuring the implementation of the program at their
campus/department level.

This includes:
1. Obtaining SDSs for substances used at the campus/department.
2. Keeping an updated inventory of hazardous substances used on their premises.
3. Providing and requiring the use of appropriate PPE.
4. Ensuring that all employees receive proper training and resources necessary for their safety.


Employee Responsibilities:
All employees have the responsibility to follow all safety rules and procedures, including:
1. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
2. Check chemical SDSs and labels for safety procedures and potential hazards.
3. Handle chemicals carefully and safely.
4. Inspect containers for leaks, missing labels, and proper storage.
5. Keep chemicals capped when not in use.
6. Keep food and drinks out of the work area.
7. Wash hands thoroughly after use of any chemical and before eating or drinking.
8. Dispose of all contaminated material properly.


General Safety Procedures

1. No hazardous substance shall be permitted to be used UNLESS an SDS is first obtained and employees are properly trained.
2. The chemical inventory and SDSs must be updated as new substances are added and/or old ones are removed.
3. Do not use substances from unlabeled containers.
4. Fume hoods are not to be used for storing chemical reagents or science equipment.
5. Clean chemical leaks or spills immediately.
6. Keep flammable and combustible liquids stored away from heat and potential ignition sources.
7. Use proper personal protective equipment to protect from exposure.
8. When an empty container has not been completely cleaned, putting another substance in it can cause an explosion or other reaction.
9. Know what to do in an emergency:
               a. Get into fresh air after inhalation
               b. Flush with water after skin or eye contact.
               c. Get immediate medical attention after swallowing a chemical 


Chemical Storage

1. Storage rooms containing hazardous substances must be properly ventilated and illuminated.
2. Access to the storage room must be limited to authorized personnel only.
3. Floors must be free of materials and debris.
4. All chemicals must be adequately labeled.
5. All chemical substances must be stored according to incompatibility to prevent reactions.
6. Unused chemicals must NEVER be returned to stock bottles.
7. Food and consumables must not be stored in lab refrigerators or stockrooms.


Chemical Disposal

1. Always keep wastes separated from incompatible substances.
2. Do not use regular waste cans to dispose chemical waste.
3. Custodial staff are not authorized to conduct any cleaning tasks inside chemical cabinets.
4. Disposal of chemicals should follow, local, state and federal regulations.

Safety Data Sheets
Hazard Communication Notice to Employees - English
Hazard Communication Notice to Employees - Spanish
OSHA 3493 QuickCard Safety Data Sheet
OSHA 3491 Quick Card Standard Pictogram
OSHA 3492 Quick Card Standard Label
Hazard Communications