MTSS & Intervention Services

MTSS Department Graphic

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a process that aids students' educational development by including universal screening of all students, multiple tiers of instruction, support services, and an integrated data collection and assessment system. The Intervention Services Team seeks to provide high-quality support to students who have experienced difficulties with learning, are at risk of dropping out, and have a physical or mental impairment. 

Samantha Sneed-Echebelem Director of MTSS & Intervention Services

Samantha Sneed-Echebelem
Director of MTSS & Intervention Services

Maria Posada
Department Administrative Assistant

Hours of Operation
M-Th 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
F 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Teaching and Learning Center
9240 County View Rd.
Dallas, 75249

phone: 972-708-2000
fax: 972-708-2020

Sue-Ellen Washington 
Intervention Services Coordinator

Arianne Alexander
Intervention Services Coordinator