Free and Reduced Meals
Complete Meal Application Today to Secure Free, Reduced Meal Status
Applications for free and reduced lunch are good for one school year. If your student qualified for free/reduced meals in 2024-25, their meal status will remain in place for only the first 30 days of this school year. Families who are not directly certified by the state will need to apply for free/reduced meals for the school year 2024-25. The meal application is available now at School Café.
For more information on free or reduced meals, and answers to commonly asked questions, click below for the Letter to Households for the 2023-24 school.
If you need assistance applying or have any questions, please call nutrition services at 972-708-2328. Thank you.
New Income Eligibility Guidelines for Determining Free and Reduced-Price Benefits:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.