The Summer Meals Program provides meals at no cost to children and teens 18 years old and younger in low-income areas. Participating families do not have to apply register or provide identification.


For more information, call:
Para mas informacion, llame al: 


Free breakfast and lunch will be served in person inside the school cafeteria at the following locations:



DHS- June 5, 2023 -July 20, 2023 (Monday-Thursday)

Acton- June 5, 2023 -June 29, 2023 (Monday-Thursday)

Hyman- June 5, 2023 -July 6, 2023 (Monday-Thursday)

Kennemer- June 5, 2023-June 29, 2023 (Monday-Thursday)

*Closed July 3rd- 4th


Duncanville High School-East Cafeteria

Acton Elementary and Hyman Elementary


Kennemer Middle School


Breakfast/Desayuno- 7:30-8:30 am

Lunch/Almuerzo- 11:30 am-12:30 pm


First page of the PDF file: SummerFlyerwithschedule2023