Faculty/Staff Parking Guidelines
Student Parking Guidelines
Students who operate or park a motor vehicle on Duncanville ISD School campuses and/or facilities are required to have a valid parking decal properly affixed to the vehicle. The person to whom a parking decal is issued has a non-transferable decal.
The Duncanville ISD Police Department and/or their designee is given the responsibility of enforcing policy/procedures that provide a safe campus environment for our students and employees. To aid in this process, the Duncanville ISD Police Officers are licensed by the State of Texas and are granted all the powers of a peace officer. The jurisdiction of these officers is both on and off school property within the boundaries of the Duncanville Independent School District. The jurisdiction of these officers may be extended to any school-sponsored event, which may take place outside the boundaries of Duncanville ISD. Citations, arrest, and/or other legal action may be taken for any violation of federal law, state law, and/or city ordinances. According to the Texas Education Code section 37.102 (b) all laws regulating traffic on highways and streets apply to the operation of vehicles within the school property. The following regulations and guidelines were established by the Duncanville ISD Board of Trustees in the effort to maintain a fair and impartial system for the enforcement of parking and traffic regulations on Duncanville ISD school campuses and facilities.
The privilege of parking a vehicle on campus may be taken away for violations pertaining to inappropriate behavior or parking violations. Upon arriving at school, students must immediately vacate their car and the parking lot and enter the school building. Students in the parking lot during the day without a pass will be subject to disciplinary action. Persons, including enrolled students of any school of this district, who are not authorized to be on school grounds after school hours, may be charged with trespass on school grounds in accordance with section 37.107 of the Education Code.
Parking Decals Required
A student driving a motor vehicle or motorcycle to school must be a licensed driver and have the required liability insurance coverage with the name of the driver on the proof of insurance. The student/employee must register the motor vehicle and obtain a parking decal from the Duncanville ISD Police Department. The parking decal must be affixed – by its own sticker’s adhesive and placed on the inside top left corner of the front window (X) (see the photo below) to the registered vehicle. Note: Students must park in their designated parking spaces in the designated student areas. Visitor parking spaces that have signage indicating “Visitor” on the pavement, curb and/or erected signage is for Visitors Only. Students are not permitted to use each other’s hangers/decals or parking spaces.
Student parking decals must be permanently affixed to the inside top left corner of the front window (X) – by its own adhesive. For motorcycles, the decal may be placed on the rear fender, where visible. The decal can only be displayed on the vehicle to which the decal is registered. Any deviation from this policy may result in the decal being revoked and/or the vehicle being removed (towed). The improper displaying of a decal constitute a parking violation. Any person who obtains a parking decal agrees to surrender the decal to any Duncanville ISD police officer and/or designee immediately upon request. Any person may file a written letter of appeal to the Chief of Police, after first surrendering the decal.
Eligible students may purchase a parking decal for $20.00. Students graduating at mid-school year may apply for a $10.00 refund with proof of graduating. Parking decals for additional vehicles in the same household are $5.00 per vehicle per school year. Students will be required to complete a parking permit application form, present a valid Texas driver's license, and present valid proof of liability insurance for the vehicle being registered. The student driver's license and insurance must remain current at all times.
Purchase and Fine Payment Locations
For the convenience of the students, parking decals will be issued during fall registration at Duncanville High School. All parking decals will be issued through the Duncanville ISD Police Department or their designee. After registration is over, parking decals may be purchased at the Duncanville ISD Police Department @ 802 S. Main St., Duncanville, TX 75137. Permits may be purchased Monday through Friday 8a.m.- 4 p.m.
The fine amount for tickets issued by the Duncanville ISD Police Department or designee will be a standard rate of $20.00 per ticket for all parking infractions and is due within ten days of issuance. All other fines are set by the court having jurisdiction. Payments can be made by cash only at one of the three locations listed above.