Title I
Title I is federally-funded program through the No Child Left Behind/Elementary & Secondary Education Act. The purpose of Title I, Part A is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain an high quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
Duncanville ISD currently has 15 Title I Schools. These include:
- Acton Elementary
- Alexander Elementary
- Bilhartz Elementary
- Central Elementary
- Fairmeadows Elementary
- Hastings Elementary
- Hyman Elementary
- Merrifield Elementary
- Smith Elementary
- Brandenburg Intermediate
- Daniel Intermediate
- Hardin Intermediate
- Byrd Middle
- Kennemer Middle
- Reed Middle
Title I, 1003, School Improvement Grant (SIP)
Serves same purpose as Title I but only for eligible campuses.
Title II, Part A
Title II, Part A is a district wide program with the purpose of increasing academic achievement of all students through staff development and recruitment.
Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition (ELA)
Title III, Part A (ELA) is a district-wide program with the purpose of helping ensure English Language Learners attain English proficiency and academic achievement.
Title IV, Part A – Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE)
Title IV, Part A –SSAE is a district-wide program with the purpose to provide supplemental activities addressing well-rounded education, safe and healthy services and effective use of technology.
State Compensatory Education (SCE)
The purpose of SCE is to supplement the regular education program for students identified as at risk by increasing academic achievement and reducing the dropout rate. The term ‘regular education program’ or foundation curriculum applies to basic instructional services that all eligible students are entitled. On a Title I campus, all students can benefit from SCE funds. On non-Title I campuses, only students identified as at-risk in PEIMS can benefit from SCE funds.