Student Services

Student Services

The Student Services Department systematically aligns initiatives, resources, services, and supports that promote learning. Duncanville ISD's Student Services Department works with students, parents, and community agencies to support the overall success of students in our district. Supports include attendance/truancy, enrollment, residency, guardianship, student transfers, special circumstances, Foster Care, and McKinney-Vento services.

Director of Student Alicia Bradley

Alicia Bradley
Director of Student Services

Veronica Zamarripa 
Executive Secretary

Hours of Operation
M-Th 8:00 am - 4:30 pm;
F 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Duncanville Education Plaza
710 S. Cedar Ridge Dr.
Duncanville 75137

Phone: 972-708-2120
Fax: 972-708-2020

Robbin McGhee
Coordinator Student Services