Truancy & Enforcement


  • Truancy occurs when a student fails or refuses to attend school as required by Texas Compulsory Attendance laws (applies to ages 6–19).
    • Prekindergarten & Kindergarten: If you voluntarily enroll your child in PK or kindergarten before age 6, all attendance laws apply to them as well.

District Enforcement Steps

  1. Collect Attendance Data: Monitor unexcused absences.
  2. Warning Letters: Issued if a student has 3 unexcused absences in a 4-week period, or 5 unexcused in a semester.
  3. Truancy Intervention: RaaWee notices or equivalent programs may be sent to families to encourage compliance.
  4. Court Referral: If 10 unexcused absences occur within a 6-month period, parents/guardians may face legal action.

Possible Consequences

  • Fines, mandatory court appearances, and intervention requirements.
  • Attendance Recovery or credit loss if the student falls below the 90% attendance threshold.