
Made With Pride April 2024

Each month, Duncanville ISD honors a student, staff member, and teacher who go above and beyond. They are chosen from nominations submitted by coworkers, classmates, or community members. These individuals reflect the excellence and pride of our district, and they are Made with Pride in Duncanville.


Tena Wilson, a fifth-grade science teacher at Daniel Intermediate School

Tena Wilson, a fifth-grade science teacher at Daniel Intermediate School, is a beacon of wisdom, love, and positivity for her colleagues. Mrs. Wilson's influence extends beyond mere instruction; she challenges fellow new teachers to delve into the essence of their profession, encouraging them to uncover the deeper purpose behind their career choice. With grace and insight, Mrs. Wilson imparts invaluable wisdom, mentoring others, fostering open communication with students' families, and cultivating meaningful partnerships with parents. Amidst the whirlwind of learning and growth, she emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, reminding colleagues to grant themselves grace along the journey. Ashley Battley, the teacher who nominated Mrs. Wilson, attests to the transformative impact of her guidance. Despite teaching different subjects, Mrs. Wilson's advice has significantly enhanced Mrs. Battley's classroom management, a testament to Mrs. Wilson's invaluable support and mentorship.


Diana Vance, a Senior at Duncanville High School Collegiate Academy

Diana Vance, a Senior at Duncanville High School Collegiate Academy, embodies the essence of helpfulness and always goes above and beyond to make everyone feel included according to her peer Elaya Kirtdoll. Renowned for her exceptional photography skills, Diana not only captures moments but also fosters inclusivity effortlessly. Clifford Reed, Diana's Audio, Video, and Production teacher, praises her as a phenomenal student. Serving as the Live Production Producer in the Student Media Program, Diana embraces her work with diligence and dedication and is always up for a challenge. Her impressive academic record has garnered numerous college acceptance letters from prestigious institutions such as Texas Christian University, Southern Methodist University, and the University of Texas at Austin, coupled with multiple scholarships.


Lucia Magness, Fairmeadows Attendance Clerk

Lucia Magness, Fairmeadows Attendance Clerk, was nominated for Made with Pride by her colleagues because of how she has persevered through overwhelming details to get this school year up and running. Described as optimistic and professional, Lucia's dedication to excellence, coupled with her diligence and outstanding work ethic, shines through. Fearlessly navigating the complexities of registration, Lucia has ensured a smooth start to the academic year with her kindness and professionalism. Despite facing a myriad of tasks, she consistently delivers exceptional results and extends a helping hand to others. Professional, patient, and composed under pressure, Lucia tirelessly ensures accurate attendance records. With a deep understanding of her role and a compassionate heart for people, Lucia embodies dedication and professionalism in every aspect of her work.