A “Board Business” summary is published on the district website following each regular school board meeting convened by the Duncanville ISD Board of Trustees. School board members hosted a regular board meeting on December 19, 2022. A video recording of the meeting will be available on the district website under Board of Trustees.
Superintendent’s Report
Duncanville ISD Superintendent Dr. Marc Smith began his report by sharing the district’s awarding of the School Health Support Grant in the amount of $453,005. Given that the district has ample amounts of PPE supplies and Covid expenses had already been covered. The funds will be used to purchase hygiene and cleaning supplies, air purifiers, and filters. Air purifiers and filters will install as follows: Nurses' Clinics, TLC Trainings Rooms, Self Contained SPED classrooms, School Cafeteria Dining Rooms, Main Street Training Room, IDEA Hub Conference & Training Room, DHS Library, Hastings Upstairs Training Room, and Locker Rooms. Hygiene and cleaning supplies to be purchased will include HEPA backpack vacuums, handheld sprayers, and cleaning supplies and equipment.
Dr. Smith congratulated the DHS football team on their undefeated season and victory against North Shore for the 6A Division I State Championship win! Congratulations also were extended to head football coach Reginald Samples who has a distinguished career of more than 30 years and over 300 wins as a head coach. He has developed Duncanville High School football into one of the most dominant teams in Texas. Dr. Smith also congratulated Desoto High School and South Oak Cliff High School on their State Championship titles noting this historic moment for Dallas County having three state football champions in the area. Also, this is the first time in 25 years that two schools from the same District have won state titles (Duncanville and DeSoto).
Duncanville ISD received two very generous cash donations from Carter BloodCare benefitting the Duncanville High School Student Council in the amount of $1500 and from the Sacramento Youth Development Enrichment Programs the Duncanville High School Football received $1000.
The Duncanville ISD community donated clothing items and food valued at $1675 to the Panther Pantry. Several schools in the district also received donations in kind from Target(Smith) and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.;®Upsilon Lambda Omega Chapter (Central) and gift cards from Golden Chick ($40) and McDonald’s ($80) were given to Daniel Intermediate We are grateful to them for their continuous support of our schools and students. ($80) was given to Daniel Intermediate We are grateful to them for their continuous support of our schools and students.
Other Items
The board agenda items can be found here.
Approved minutes from the November 2022 board meeting
Approved budget amendments
Approved financial report for November 2022
Approved Purchase for Smartnet Services
Approved the Commit Partnership
Approved waiver to use NWEA Map for Grade 7 Reading Diagnostic Instrument
Approved Continued Employment Incentive for Staff
Approved Education Affiliation Agreement with the University Of Miami
Approved Educator Preparation Program Affiliation Agreement with the University Of Texas at Arlington
Discussed Update on Education Leadership Development Partnership with UNTD