A “Board Business” summary is published on the district website following each regular school board meeting convened by the Duncanville ISD Board of Trustees. School board members hosted a regular board meeting on November 14, 2022. A video recording of the meeting will be available on the district website under Board of Trustees.
Superintendent’s Report
Superintendent Dr. Smith begins his monthly report with highlights from the IMPACT (Inspire, Motivate, Perform, Access & Connect with Technology) Learning electronic 1:1 device initiative. Through this initiative, all students in grades 2-12 received Chromebooks, and students in Pre-K through first grade received iPads. The district also offered parents information about insurance, a parent and student guide for review before a child receives their device, a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) guide for parents, and a video focused on how to properly care for the devices that their child had received.
Dr. Smith recognized the DHS marching band who showcased their talents at the UIL State Marching Band competition. The band performed extraordinarily well, and Band Director Mark Teal and his team are to be congratulated for their hard work and dedication
The Panther Angel Tree initiative was shared during the Board meeting, with approximately 102 students who were selected by campus personnel based on need. The Duncanville Education Plaza along with the IDEA Hub/Technology and the Teaching and Learning Center staff will come together to give back to our students during the holiday season. We would also like to extend the invitation to our Operations departments (Nutrition, Transportation, Maintenance, etc.) All new, wrapped gifts are due in the Communications Dept. by Monday, December 5, 2022, before the end of the day so they can be picked up and distributed to campuses in time for Christmas.
Made With Pride
The Board of Trustees recognized this month's Made with Pride recipients Olivia Oliver, a senior at Duncanville High School, Tasha Floyd-Jones, a Special Education (FAST) Teacher at Duncanville High School, and Marisol Chavez, Pre-K-3 Teacher Aide at Smith Elementary School.
2022 Texas Art Education Association District of Distinction Award
Annette Valenzuela, DHS Art Teacher, and National Art Honor Society sponsor. Duncanville ISD has received this recognition.
1st Sargeant Judith Atkinson, Duncanville ISD launch of the JROTC program return to Duncanville ISD.
The district received the following supply donations:
Duncanville Area Retired School Employees (DARSE) donated applesauce and fruit cups ($50)
Kiest Tennis Center donated ten tennis rackets for Middle School and High School (no assigned value)
Other Items
The board agenda items can be found here.
Approved minutes from the October 2022 board meeting
Approved financial report for October 2022
Approved Appointments
Approved Audited Financial Report For 2021-2022
Approved Duncanville High School High Hats Drill Team to Perform on Abroad A Carnival Cruise, April 6-10, 2023
Approved Heinemann "Do The Math" Purchase Exceeding $50,000
Approved 2022-2023 Campus Targeted Improvement Plans
Public Hearing to Discuss ERATE Requirement - Public Hearing on Internet Safety