Collegiate High Senior's "American Dream" Displayed at Bullock Texas State History Museum

Collegiate High Senior's "American Dream" Displayed at Bullock Texas State History Museum
Germany Herrera Holding Selected Artwork

Germany Herrera Holding Selected Artwork “American Dream.” 

During Youth Art Month in March, the Texas Art Education Association, TAEA, displays Texas students’ artwork at Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin, Texas. This year, about 165 students across the state were chosen. One of those students invited to showcase their work was Duncanville Collegiate High School Senior and prospective Valedictorian Germany Herrera. This exhibit showcased students' work from Pre-K through 12th grade during the entire month of March. Since 1961, Youth Art Month was created by The Art and Creative Materials Institute, Inc., ACMI, a non-profit association of art and crafts, to celebrate school-age students’ artwork. 

“My submission for the TAEA Youth Art Month started as a simple attempt to showcase my art,” said Germany. Her piece chosen for submission was deeply personal to her and her family. “My art piece was a graphite recreation of a photograph taken of my father, my sister, and myself as a baby while my sister was holding an American flag. This photo was taken a few years after my family came to the U.S.” Even though Germany is embedded in her Mexican heritage, her love for her chosen country and state is strong. Germany hopes to translate that love through her work and the piece’s title, “American Dream.” 

“American Dream.” By Germany Herrera

“American Dream,” by Germany Herrera

DHS Art teacher Annette Valenzuela, who has taught Germany since her sophomore year, received the notification of her student's acceptance and apprised Germany of the achievement. “When I discovered that I got chosen, I wasn’t entirely sure what was to come,” explains Germany.

When Germany arrived in Austin for the ceremony and saw her work displayed in the museum, she was struck by the magnitude of the moment. “As I arrived to the Bullock Texas State History Museum, I saw the amazing exhibition that TAEA had organized; I immediately felt welcomed and honored to be a part.” All of the selected students received a certificate and a medal. 

This achievement is the sum of Germany's high school career as an artist, from Art 2 as a sophomore to currently enrolled in AP 2D Art and Design. Also, for the past two years, as a Junior and now a Senior, Germany has been the Vice President of her school’s chapter of the National Art Honor Society, NAHS. 

“Art has always been an outlet for me, especially throughout these last four years. Not only as a creative stimulus but as a way to reflect on and de-stress on the current events in my life at that moment.” After Germany graduates in May, don’t expect to see her work in more museums in the immediate future. “Although in the future I will not be pursuing a career in the arts, art will always be a pinnacle aspect of my life that has laid the foundation for my success.”

Germany Herrera Holding Sitting with other artwork

Whatever career path Germany chooses, Her moment in the sun at  Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin will be a highlight of her Senior year.