Dallas County Promise Provides Free Tuition for DHS Graduates

Dallas County Promise Provides Free Tuition for DHS Graduates


Savyna Viraphonh graduated from Duncanville High School in 2019 and is now studying Business Administration at Mountain View College. Her tuition is covered by the Dallas County Promise program.

“I’ve been able to go to college with little worry about when I have to pay and how I’m going to pay it,” Savyna said.  “I feel like it’s lifted the main concern I had about going to college.”

Savyna is one of 254 students from Duncanville High School who signed up for the Dallas County Promise program in 2019. The class of 2020 saw an increase with 262 students signing pledges.

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The goal of the scholarship program is to increase the number of students in Dallas County who pursue college degrees. Dallas County Promise offers all high school graduates at the 57 participating schools, regardless of grade point average or family income, an opportunity to receive what’s called a ‘last-dollar scholarship.’ 

Dallas County Promise covers any gap between a student’s state and federal financial aid and the cost of tuition. Graduating seniors can choose from one of 11 partner colleges including Dallas College, The University of Texas at Arlington and Prairie View A&M University.

Abigail Vance, who graduated from Duncanville High School last year, is studying welding at Mountain View College.

“I think it’s an incredibly amazing opportunity for everyone in Dallas County,” Abigail said. “I have a friend who decided to go to an out-of-state school instead of going to community college, and she’s going to be graduating with over six figures of debt.”

Abigail said it’s a relief to know her tuition at Mountain View College is covered by Dallas County Promise. She will graduate with her associate degree in 2022 – including the certifications needed to begin her welding career.  Then, Abigail can continue on to her bachelor’s degree while making $25 per hour welding.

“It has allowed me to further my education and save for the future simultaneously,” Abigail said.

For students graduating in 2021, it’s now time to sign pledges to participate in the Dallas County tuition scholarship program. 

Here are the key deadlines:

February 5 – Complete Dallas County Promise pledge and college/university application
March 5 – Fill out FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
July 30 – Register for classes

For more information, go to: www.dallascountypromise.org