“Spelling With the Stars” Brings Top Competitors to District Bee

“Spelling With the Stars” Brings Top Competitors to District Bee

It was a competition to remember as campus spelling bee champions took center stage at the district-wide spelling bee yesterday at Duncanville High School’s Shine Auditorium.

It was a competition to remember as campus spelling bee champions took center stage at the district-wide spelling bee yesterday at Duncanville High School’s Shine Auditorium.

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Winners in fourth to eighth grade from each campus participated in “Spelling with the Stars - Duncanville Edition” to claim the honor of top district speller. After 10 rounds, the winning word - cattails -  came from John Matthews, eighth grade student at Byrd Middle school. 

Second place went to Enioloa Adeyanju, fifth grade student at Daniel Intermediate School, and the third place winner was Christian Wynn, seventh grade student at the STEAM Academy at Kennemer Middle School.

Congratulations to the top three winners and all students who participated.