Enrollment Process
New Students to District: Kindergarten - 12th Grade
The parent/guardian submits the Skyward online application with uploaded documents.
The registrar at the campus of enrollment reviews the documents.
The campus registrar will contact the parent/guardian if there are missing enrollment documents.
The application is approved.
New to District Students: Pre-Kindergarten
The parent/guardian submits the Skyward online application with uploaded documents.
Duncanville ISD verifies Pre-K eligibility.
Parent/Guardian is notified of Pre-K eligibility status and provided the campus of enrollment.
The registrar at the campus of enrollment reviews the documents.
The application is approved.
Returning Students
The parent/guardian completes the online application through Skyward Family Access.
The parent/guardian uploads proof of residency through Skyward Family Access.
If no changes are made, the application is automatically approved.
If changes are made, the registrar at the campus of enrollment reviews the documents.
The campus registrar will contact the parent/guardian if there are missing enrollment documents.
The application is approved.