Transfer Requests
Who should complete a Transfer Application?
If a parent or guardian is not a Duncanville ISD resident and wishes to enroll their child in a school within the district, they can apply for Limited Open Enrollment (LOE). Approval for LOE is subject to availability and specific criteria.
If a parent or guardian is a Duncanville ISD resident and wishes to transfer their child to a school other than the home school within the district, they can apply for Intradistrict Transfers (IDT). Approval for IDT is subject to availability and specific criteria.
Transfer Approval
All student transfer requests, whether in-district or out-of-district, must be submitted by the specified deadlines:
- Transfer requests for the fall semester will be accepted from March 1 to July 15 of each academic year. The requests will be reviewed based on the order of submission, but no later than the first day of school.
- Transfer requests for the spring semester will be accepted between October 1 and November 30 of each school year. The requests will be reviewed based on the order of submission, but no later than the first week of January.
- Transfers submitted outside of the specified calendar windows will be reviewed, and a decision may take up to 30 school days to be made.
- Transfers submitted outside the designated calendar windows will not be considered for immediate enrollment unless under extenuating circumstances, a justifiable need, or for newly hired employees.
- Intra-district transfers will only be approved if there are extenuating circumstances or a justifiable need.
- The Superintendent has the authority to adjust windows as needed based on the district's best interest.
- The Superintendent is authorized to accept or reject any transfer requests, provided that such action is without regard to race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, or ancestral language.
- A resident student who becomes a nonresident during the course of a semester shall be permitted to continue in attendance for the remainder of the semester.
- A nonresident student wishing to transfer into the District shall file an application for transfer each school year with the Superintendent or designee.
- Transfers shall be granted for one regular school year at a time.
- In approving or continuing transfers, the Superintendent or designee shall consider availability of space and instructional staff and the student’s disciplinary and attendance records.
- Transfer students must be in good academic standing, maintain a 90% attendance rate, and have a good disciplinary record.
- A transfer student or guardian must agree to follow all rules and regulations of the District as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook, or risk revocation of an approved transfer.
- Violation of the terms of the agreement may result in a transfer request not being continued.
- If the District charges tuition for out-of-district students, the amount shall be set by the Board, within statutory limits. The Board may waive tuition for a student based on financial hardship upon written application by the student, parent, or guardian.[See FP]
- The District may initiate withdrawal of students whose tuition payments are delinquent. Any appeals shall be made in accordance with FNG(LOCAL) and GF(LOCAL), as appropriate.
- No district transportation will be provided for transfer students.
- No transfers will be approved that creates the need for additional staff.
- Transfer students that are assigned to the DAEP Summit may have their transfer status revoked.
For assistance with transfer applications, please send an email to
When applying as a nonresident out-of-district student, these items are needed to submit a transfer application.
Please ensure the following documents are ready to attach while submitting the application:
- Copy of parent/guardian photo ID
- Copy of parent/guardian address verification
- Copy of your child's discipline record for the most recent full school year. However, if you request a transfer mid-year, you will need to provide us with the most recent semester's discipline record and the prior school year's discipline record. If your child does not have any disciplinary referrals, you must attach a school letter (on official letterhead) or an email from a school official stating that your child does not have any disciplinary referrals.
- Copy of your child's attendance records for the most recent school year. If the attendance is already included in the report card, you may attach the report card itself. If you request a transfer mid-year, provide the attendance records for the most recent semester and the prior school year.
- Copy of your child's most recent report card or transcript. If requesting a transfer mid-year, provide the most recent semester and the previous school year.
- If your child receives special education services, you must include a copy of the most recent full annual ARD and IEP.
- Your application will not be considered without the required documents or requested information.
2024 - 2025 Application
The 2025-2026 transfer application window will open on April 1, 2025